Cuma, Mart 26, 2010

Dear Mummy and Daddy

Berk Okul Faaliyet 26.03
Bugün Berk'in okulunda anneler ve çocuklar beraber faaliyet yaptılar. Aslında elimde olsaydı bütün sınıfın yaptıklarının fotoğrafını çekebilseydim. Benim gözümde en güzeli Berk'in yaptığıydı çünkü tamamen kendi yaptı. Dışardan bir göz ile bakıldığında en çirkini Berk'in ki idi, sebebi ise bütün anneler çocuklardan çok faaliyet yaptılar. Yapılan faaliyet neye benzedi bilmiyorum ama hedef arı yapmakdı.

Bugün Berk'in okulunun web sitesine bakmam gerekdi bir sebeple. Giriş sayfasında okuduğumu öncedende okumuşdum. Berk o zaman çok küçükdü ve okuduklarım havada kalmışdı. Şimdi çok daha fazla anlam ifade etti.

Dear Mummy and Daddy
Don't spoil me, l can't have everything I'm pointing at, l'm just testing you.
Don't be afraid to be decisive and clear with me, l prefer that; it makes me feel safe and secure.
Don't let me develop bad habits, you are the only ones l can trust to stop me.
Don't make me feel smaller than l am, it only makes me want to be bigger than l am.
Don't be angry with me in front of others, l'll understand better what you are telling me if you talk to me quietly at home.
Don't make me feel that any mistakes l might make are important; it just confuses me on what the set limits are.
Don't protect me from the results of my actions, l need to learn from these experiences.
Don't think that because you are grown up, you don't have to say sorry; being honest with me makes me feel sorry too, but at least then l know you understand me.
Don't pretend that you never make mistakes;'it will be such a shock to me when l find out that it isn't so.
Don't tell me it's silly to be afraid. What l'm afraid of is real to me and it's important that you understand that and help me to overcome my fears.
Don't promise too much, l'll get very disappointed and hurt if you can't keep your promises.
Don't expect me to be perfect and not tell lies; l don't want to be scared into being a liar.
Don't confuse me by changing the rules..
Don't ever say you don't love me, even though l can be very naughty at times.
Don't forget I am growing fast, it will get difficult for you to keep up, but l would love it if you could please do your best...